Coffee beans are seeds of a fruit called coffee cherry. These beans or seeds are removed from the cherry and eventually roasted. What happens to the cherry that was protecting those coffee beans all along? They are usually discarded unless they are used on the farm as fertilizer. In some cases, the cherries can be dried and brewed as ‘tea’ known as Cascara Tea. Although it comes from a coffee plant, it tastes nothing like coffee.
Brewed hot or iced, Cascara is known to be high in antioxidants.
Steps to make Hot Cascara
1. Take 12 gm Cascara in a teapot or a cup and add 230 ml hot water.
2. Let it brew for 4 minutes.
3. Strain and enjoy your hot Cascara tea
Pro Tip: You can also brew Cascara in a French Press
Steps to make Iced Cascara
1. Take 12 gm Cascara in a teapot or cup and add 120 gm hot water.
2. Let it brew for 4 minutes.
3. Strain and pour over 120 gm of ice.